Friday, March 28, 2014

Missing MH370: How Do You Sue When There's No Wreckage?

U.S. law firm claiming to represent several of the Flight 370 families said Thursday that it hopes to prove that the Boeing 777 fleet has a design defect – even as investigators struggle to locate a single piece of wreckage.

Obama Tells Francis He Is a 'Great Admirer' in 1st Meeting

In his first official visit, which began at 10:27 a.m. in Rome, the president and the pope met for about 50 minutes -- longer than many had expected -- before bringing in the rest of the U.S. delegation, including Secretary of State John Kerry, National Security Advisor Susan Rice and press secretary Jay Carney.
One by one, the 10 members of the delegation were introduced to the pope.
President Obama made the slow, formal procession to greet the pope in the ornate Small Throne Room outside the Papal Library.
"Wonderful meeting you. I'm a great admirer," the president said.
The two walked into the library and took seats at opposite sides of the pope's desk.
"I bring greetings from my family," Obama added. "The last time I came here to meet your predecessor I was able to bring my wife and children."
The president also presented the pope with a