Tuesday, March 19, 2019


 Take Alabukun with lime water, squeeze ugu vegetable into a glass cup with two local eggs, half tin milk and two spoons of natural honey mix together and drink it. Three times a day after meal. YORUBA:   

IBA JEDOJEDO (1) E lo Alabukun pelu omi osan wewe, egbo efo igu sinu cup kan,eyin adie ibile meji, idaji agolo miliki ati sibi oyin igan meji, e po papapo ki e si gbemu. Emeta loojumo leyin ounje.

(2) Ten lime oranges (H20) mixed with garlic and three teaspoons of original honey should be used morning & night after meal.

(2) E fun osan wewe mewa,lo ayu(garlic) si, pelu sibi oyin igan meta. Eloo leemeji lojumo aaro ati ale.

(3) Get unripe pawpaw, unripe pineapple, ginger, lime orange, sugarcane and Lipton tea 2sachet.Cut everything into Pieces and boil them with fermented corn water(omidun) for one hour+. Take one glass cup 3 times daily for one week with original honey mix together.

 (3) E wa ipepe ati ope oyinbo dudu, atale, osan wewe, ireke ati lipton tea meji. E ge gbogbo awon eso wonyi, ki e si fi omidun se e fun wakati kan ati die. E ma mu ife kan ni eemata ni ojojumo pelu oyin igan die ninu e fun ose kan.

 4.    ENGLISH: EZEMA/RING WORM Mix some native soap with grounded potash, add lime orange to it and apply the mixture on the spot after bathe. 

YORUBA: IFO/EELA E mu ose dudu ibile, koun ti a nfi nsebe ati omi osan wewe, e po gbogbo e papo ki e fi ma pa oju e.

 5.   ENGLISH: HYNEA Get some leavesof casia alata, boil with water and drink one glass cup daily. 

YORUBA: IPAKE E mu ewe panseke ki e se pelu omi ti o mo ki e fi oyin igan die si. E ma mu ife kan ni ojojumo.

 6.    ENGLISH: INTERNAL HEAT Get some quantity of dry pawpaw and cashew leaves. Boil with water and drink 1 cup 2 times daily.

 YORUBA: ORU INU Ewe ipepe ati ewe kasu ti o ti gbe daada. E se ki e ma mu ife(cup) ni emeji ni ojujumo. 

7.   ENGLISH:  NATURAL FAMILY PLANING Get some root of cashew tree, boil and add original honey to it. Take one cup per day after monthly period for one week before making love.

 8.   ENGLISH:  JAUNDICE PAIN Get the water of unripe pineapple, three lime oranges, and three ijagaun orange, mix them together. Four spoons 3 times a day after meal.

 YORUBA:     AWOKA ARA Fun omi ope oyinbo ti kopon, pelu osan wewe meta, osan ijagaun meta papo, sibi merin, eemeta lijumo leyin ounje.

 9.   ENGLISH:    ANUS PULLING OUT (1) Tetracycline (6) mixes with original honey 2 spoons. Rub the anus with the solution when it pulls out.

 YORUBA:    IDI YIYO (1) E po tetracycline (6) pelu sibi oyin igan meji. E maa fira idi na ti o ba tiyo.

 10.   ENGLISH:  ULCER (1) Use three spoons of original honey with pap early in the morning before meal for 6 days.

 YORUBA: OGBE INU (1) A o fi sibi oyin igan meta fo eko mu laaro ki a to jeun fun ojo mefa.

 11.   ENGLISH:  ULCER (2) Squeeze either pineapple or pawpaw seed to produce water and filter it. Mix the solution with tin milk and drink it for seven days. 

YORUBA:  OGBE INU (2) A o gbo pineapple tabi eso ibepe a o se. A o po agolo milk kan mo. A o si mu fun ojo meje.

 12.   ENGLISH:  ULCER (3) Get 8 unripe plantains, peel them and cut them into pieces and pound them to paste. Pack everything into a container (1 five litters gallon), fill the gallon with drinkable water add little honey. Allow to ferment for 3-5days and take one cup 2 times a day.

 YORUBA:  OGBE INU (3) E mu ogede agbagba dudu mejo, e bo lara ki si rin dada ni tutu. leyin eyi, e ko sinu galonu kan ti e ti pese sile, e ro omi mimu sinu e pelu oyin igan die e file fun ojo meta ki o toro dada. E ma mu ife(cup) meji leemeji lojumo.

 13.   ENGLISH:  TOOTH MUCH FAT (OBESITY) Peel the back of maize, lime orange and cook them with water. One tumbler 3 times daily.

 YORUBA:  ARA SISAN JU Eepo eyin agbado, osan wewe, a o se pelu omi lasan. 1 tumbler emeta lojumo. 

14.   ENGLISH:  SLEEPLESS NIGHT(1) Undiluted honey, aloe Vera juice mixed together, take two or 3 spoons every day. YORUBA:

AIRI ORUN SUN DAADA (1) Ogidi oyin ilarin coke, oje ewe eti erin (aloe vera), a o da papo, sibi metameta lojojumo.                                                                                                                                    

 15.   ENGLISH:  SLEEPLESS NIGHT (2) Add(2) 3 spoons of honey into glass cup of milk(low in cholesterol).Take all as soon as you are ready to go to bed.

 YORUBA:  AIRI ORUN SUN DAADA (2) E da sibi oyin igan gidi meta sinu ife miliki kan, ki esi mu ni ale ti e ba ti fe sun.

 16.   ENGLISH: WEAKNESS OF THE BODY Cut aloe Vera into cup, put water for 5 minutes and drink the liquid.

 17.   ENGLISH:  THROAT PROBLEM A handful of Abeere seed, grind it well and mix it with honey (half coke bottle).One spoon every hour.

 YORUBA:  BELUBELU A o lo eso abeere ekunwo kan kunna, a o fi sinu oyin igan idaji igo coke. Sibi kan wakati kan.

 18.    ENGLISH:    CIRCUMCISION/SCAR ON NEW BORN BABY MANHOOD Mix groundnut oil and goya oil, original honey ¼ coke bottle, use it to rub it with cotton wool.2 times a day.

 YORUBA:  OGBE ATI ITOJU OMO TI A DAKO FUN Ororo epa, Ororo goya, ilarin oyin igan, a o dapo a o ma fira ogbe naa leyin fifo, a o fi owu otutu si oju re. Emeji lojumo.

 19.   ENGLISH:  DIABETES Bitter leaf, scent leaf, squeeze them, add little potash, grind 3 bulb of onion garlic and mix it with the solution above. Also squeeze dongoyaro leaf with the solution. Adult: 3 spoons 3 times a day; children 1 spoon 3 times a day. 

YORUBA:  ITO  SUGAR E gbo ewuro, efinrin, dongoyaro papo ki e se omi re, e fi kaun die si, e lo ayu, alubosa elewe meta da sinu e. Agba sibi meta eemeta ojumo; omode sibi kan emeta ojumo.

 20   ENGLISH:  ASTHMA Take the fluid of the snail and mix it with the original honey till it becomes light 3 spoons 3 times a day.

 YORUBA:  IKO EGBE A o po omi inu igbin po mo oyin ti yio fi san. Sibi meta lemeta ojumo.

 21. ENGLISH:  TEETHING PROBLEM(1) Some alum, some potash, a spoon of salt, native pepper. Grind them together put small of it to the affected teeth and wash your mouth with lime water after 5 minutes. 

YORUBA:  AKOKORO (1) E o lo alomu die, kaun bilala die, iyo sibi kan ati atale die papo. E o bu die si awon eyin naa. Leyin iseju marun fo enu pelu omi osan wewe.

 22. ENGLISH:  TEETHING PROBLEM (2) Get a mixture of lime orange juice and honey (equal quantity) 1 teaspoon 3 times daily.

 YORUBA:  AKOKORO (2)  E da oyin ati omi osan wewe papo(iwon kanana) ki e si ma fun omo naa ni sibi omode kan ni emeta lojumo.

 23. ENGLISH: HEAR PROBLEM Drop Bintu Perfume inside the ear and cover it with cotton wool. (IT’S ABOMINATION FOR TWINS).

 YORUBA:  ETI DITUN A o ma kan lofinda Bintu si inu eti naa a o si ma fi owu otutu sii. (EEWO NI FUN IBEJI).

 24. ENGLISH:  WEAKNESS OF MANHOOD Cook 21 pieces of onion and squeeze the juice into a container.One spoon 3 times every day.

 YORUBA:  NNKAN OMOKUNRIN TI KO LE DARADARA E ge alubosa onisu (21) ki e fun omi re sinu igo kan fun lilo. Sibi kan lemeta ojumo nigba gbogbo.

 25. ENGLISH:  WEAK ERECTION Get plenty of white onion, grind and extract the juice, mix with equal quantity of honey. Take 2 spoons of it three times daily.

 YORUBA:  OGUN ALE  Emu alubosa funfun ki e si loo kunna daada. E fun omi inu re jade ki e si po po mo oyin igan gidi. E ma mu sibi meji meji leemata loojumo.

 26. ENGLISH:  HYPERTENSION Take two spoons of original honey before eating (morning & night). 

YORUBA:  EJE RIRU Mu sibi oyin igan gidi mejimeji ki a to jeun aaro ati ale.

 27. ENGLISH:  SEVERE HEADACHE Squeeze scent leaves and rub the juice on your forehead every day. 

YORUBA:  ORI FIFO A o gbo efinrin a o ma fi omi re pa iwaju ori lojoojumo.

 28. ENGLISH:  SEVERE COUGH (1) Grind some bitter cola (10) and mix it with original honey. Adult: 3 spoons, children: 1 spoon 3 times a day.

 YORUBA:  IKO KEHE (1) A o lo orogbo mewa a o da sinu oyin igan. Agbalagba: sibi 3, omode: sibi kan lemeta ojumo. 

29. ENGLISH:  SEVERE COUGH (2) ¼ honey, lime water, ¼ palm oil, mix together. A glass cup 3 times a day (adult) two spoons 3 times a day (children). 

YORUBA:  IKO KEHE (2) Oyin gidi ilarin, omi osan wewe ilarin, epo pupa ilarin, a o dapo. Agbaagba: 1 glass cup, Omode sibi meji lemeta lojumo.  

 30. ENGLISH:  FREQUENT STOOLING OR DYSENTRY Take a glass cup of your early morning urine. 

YORUBA:  IGBE GBURU Ma a mu ito ti o ba ji to ni aaro.

 31. ENGLISH:   PILE Take one spoon of original honey. After an hour squeeze scent leaf and bitter leaf with lime water and filter it. 3 spoons three times a day.

 YORUBA: AKO JEDIJEDI Mu sibi oyin igan kan leyin wakati kan ki o gbo efinrin ati ewuro pelu omi osan were ko o se. Sibi meta leemeta ojumo.

 32. ENGLISH:  SWOLLEN LEG IN PREGNANCY Boil corn silk with water and honey. A glass cup a day. 

YORUBA:  ESE WIWU NINU OYUN A o se irukere agbado pelu omi nati oyin die a o ma mu cup kan lojumo.

 33. ENGLISH:  MEASLES Grind bitter leaf and mix it with either honey or gin. Drink it and rub body with it.

 YORUBA:  IGBONA OMODE A o gbo ewuro ao da papo mo oyin igan tabi oti ibile. A o ma fun omo na mu ati para fun.

 34. ENGLISH:  MENSTRUAL PAIN Get Oriji herbs, wash it and cut it into pieces. Soak it with water. Drink it for 3 days before your menstruation. 

YORUBA:  IRORA NINU NKAN OSU E o re egbo oriji pelu omi obinrin naa yoo mu fun ojo meta ki o to ri nkan osu re.

 35. ENGLISH:  MENSTRURATION PROBLEM Get 3 wonderful cola, ginger and garlic, cut them into pieces. Get 1 bottle of lime orange juice. Pour the three substances into the bottle of lime and add small original honey to it. Take 2 spoons 2 times a day. 

YORUBA:  IKAN OSU OBIRIN  E mu obi abalaye (wonderful cola) meta si marun, atale ati ayu. Ege won si wewe ki e si ko won sinu igo omi osan wewe kan ti e ti pese sile. Efi oyin igan gidi si, ki e ma u sibi meji meji ni emeji loojumo.

 36. ENGLISH:  LOW SPERM COUNTING/WATERY SPERM Mix 3 spoons of original honey, 3 local eggs and a tin milk together and drink it twice a week. 

YORUBA:  ATO SISAN A o da sibi oyin igan (3) eyin adie ibile meta ati agolo miliki kan papo; a o maa mu ni emeji lose.

 37. ENGLISH:  BOIL Grind otili leaf and mix it with ori amo. Rub it on the boil. YORUBA:  EEWO A o lo ewe otili kunna dada, a o po po mo ori amo. A o ma fi pa eewo naa.

 38. ENGLISH:  CHILDREN MIDDLE HEAD PAIN Cut alubosa elewe into pieces fry palm oil on fire and add that onion and iru woro to it and leave it till the naming day of the child before star using it to rub his head.

 YORUBA:  OKA ORI OMODE A o ge alubosa elewe si wewe, a o gba epo dada a o da iru woro ati alubosa elewe yen si, a o duro di ojo isomoloruko, a o da oruko omo na si a o si ma fi pa awuje omo naa. 

39. ENGLISH:  DANDRUFF Grind lali leaves with alubosa elewe, dry it and re-grind it and pour it inside hair cream for usage.

 YORUBA:  ESIN ATI AJERUN A o lo ewe laali po mo alubosa elewe a o sa gbe, a o si tun lo, a o da sinu iparun a o ma fi pa ori wa.

 40. ENGLISH:  URINATORY CHILD Let the child be taking 2 spoons of original honey after eating at night.
YORUBA:  OMO TI O NTO SILE A o lo sibi oyin igan meji fun omo naa leyin ounje ni ale tabi sibi meji meji lojumo ko ba tete duro.

 41. ENGLISH:  SAFE DELIVERY A pregnant woman should be drinking chickweed (Ewedu) soup at all time or squeeze it and be drinking the juice.

 YORUBA:  IBIMO ALABOYUN NI IRORUN Alaboyun yi o mamu obe ewedu nigbogbo igba tabi ki o gbo ewedu pelu omi die, ki o si maa mu omi re. 

42. ENGLISH:  RASHES (1) Mix lime water with black soap and use it to rub the affected part.