Wednesday, May 14, 2014


1. Malaria: Get a potful of lemon grass and lime, boil and drink a cup twice a day, children should take ¼ of a glass cup twice a day. Or prepare Lipton tea, lime, lemon grass, pea leaf (Otiili), henna leaf (Laali), boil and add Alabukun Powder and take 3 times a day.

2. Sleeplessness: Mix undiluted honey with Aloe Vera juice, take half a cup before going to bed, or get some bitter leaves squeeze and take half a cup before going to bed.

3. Tooth Ache: Mix undiluted honey with lime juice and apply two or more drops to the affected part of your teeth or get a wonderful cola and chew around the area, if impossible, grind and mix with hot and apply.

4. Typhoid: Get coconut husk, starchy water (omidun) and lime orange, boil together and take 3 times a day.