Monday, June 16, 2014

30 Most Popular Herbs for Natural Medicine

30 Most Popular Herbs for Natural Medicine
We tend to look to God as a source of all healing. It is said that He has provided all that we will ever need: 

“the fruit of it shall be for eating and leaf of it for healing…” (Ezekiel 47:12)
Herbs are a wondrous thing. They not only assist in flavoring dishes and filling the air with delightful aromas, but they also hold medicinal properties that promote healing. Those of you who have herbal gardens of your own, no doubt have a few of these herbal friends already planted. Many of the plants listed below are also listed in myTop 10 Medicinal Herbs that should be in every garden. However, it seems that there are a few more worth mentioning.
Our Herbal Friends



Many people don't trust drugs for high blood pressure, especially in our rural community; they prefer natural way of dealing with it. Luckily for them, several herbs are very effective to control this common condition. Now discover how you can use herbs for high blood pressure to treat hypertension and to improve your health.
Herbs have always been used successfully to treat many conditions. And high blood pressure treatment is not an exception. Of course, herbs don’t give a dramatic effect like drugs, but their effect is more long term. Also herbs are safer and don’t produce dangerous side effects.
Below are numerous herbs for treatment of hypertension:

