Friday, April 11, 2014

Health Benefits of Onion


1.Onions are very effective in treating acne.onion juice mixed with honey or turmeric can be applied to acne.

2.Onion is used for treating digestion problems including loss of appetite, upset stomach, and gallbladder
disorders; for treating heart and blood vessel problems including chest pain and high blood pressure; and for
preventing “hardening of the arteries”  . It is also used for treating sore mouth and throat, whooping cough,
bronchitis, asthma, dehydration, intestinal gas,parasitic worms, and diabetes. Some people use it as a
diuretic to increase urine output.

Onion is applied directly to the skin for insect bites,wounds, light burns, boils, warts, and bruises.


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Defender Capsules

Defender(Antioxidants With Garlic & Grapeseed Extract) Contains:
1.Beta Carotene(300mcg)
2.Vitamin C(125mg
3.Selenium(45mcg)4.Vitamin E(10 i.u.)5.Parsley Leaf Powder(50mg)
6.Grapeseed extract(Vitamin C concentrate)(10mg)

Dosage:60 capsules in all for 30 days-
Health Benefits:
1.Powerful antioxidant with anti-cancer properties.  Beneficial for : 2. Sore throats , mouth ulcers, healing wounds. 3.Food Poisoning.   4.Alcohol Excess.   5.Bad Circulation.  6.Bleeding Gums.   7.Bronchitis & Chest Pain   8.Candida(Thrush)   9.Colds & flu. 10.Shrinking Fibroid.  11.Frequent Infections.   13.Hepatitis & Liver Problems.  14.Itching.  15.Infertility (eliminates free-radicals that may be responsible,selenium shortage is often associated with infertility).  16.Boosting Immunity.  17.Pile(Hemorrhoids).  18.Premature Aging . 19. Tonsillitis. 2. Beneficial for improving heart health.

Double Power Energy Booster

Double Power Contains:
(a) Each Black tablet contains:1.Ginseng-siberian(50mg)  2.Kola Extract(10mg) 3.Thiamine HCL-Vitamin B1(10 mg)  4.Riboflavine-Vitamin B2(10mg)  5.Pyrodixine HCL-Vitamin B6(10mg)  6.L-Histidine HCL(10mg)7.L-Arginine-Hydrochloride(10mg)  8.D-L Methionine(10mg)  9.L-Phenylalanine(10mg)  10.Calcium Phosphate Dibasic(155mg)
(b) Each Red Tablet Contains: 
1.Guarana Powder(150mg)  2.Spirulina Algae(75mg)  3.Soya Protein(75mg) Dosage: 60 tablets in all tablets for 30 days-
Health Benefits:
1.Restores Energy Loss.   2.Lack of Endurance(Boosts energy & stamina).  3.Excellent for infertilty cases   5.Boosts Libido/Sex Drive.   6.Fatigue.  7.Mental Exhaustion.  8.Mental Strain.   9.Increasing Vitality   10.Tiredness. 11. Boost sperm count.