Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Benefits of Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification

"ionic foot bath treatment"
Why We Highly Recommend the Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification Therapy?
Eliminating toxins is the first step in giving the body a chance to heal itself. There are over 360 acupuncture points on the body with more than 60 on the soles of the feet. Acupuncture points and reflexology points reflect the organs and other areas of the body which make the feet ideal for detoxification. Today our toxic exposure is at an all time high and toxins are one of the primary causes of degenerative diseases, such as:
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Kidney problems
  • Autism
  • Muscular dystrophy


Enhances Your Body's Ability to Detoxify & Heal
Balances Energy Pathways within the Body
The ionic spa or foot spa works to dramatically remove toxins from your body through your feet. The foot spa accomplishes this by energizing the water.
Liver Detoxification
Purge Heavy Metals
Increase Energy and Reduce Stress
Internal Cleansing with Full Body Purge
Improve Sexual Health
Improve Memory and Sleep
Liver, Kidneys and Parasite Cleanse
Enhance Immune System 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

5 Home Remedies For Chest Pain

We are going to look at 5 home remedies for chest pain. First, let us define chest pain and how it occurs. Chest pain is defined as the discomfort that occurs between the upper abdomen and neck. Chest pain could be a symptom of a muscle spasm, lung disease, stomach ulcer, bladder diseases, anxiety and heart disorders. Here are some home remedies for chest pain.

Burning Pain in Chest Treatments | Burning Sensation in Chest Causes

Burning Pain in Chest

Causes of Burning Sensation In Chest

It has several possible reasons, and some of them are the following:
  • One of them is pulmonary embolism, which is attributed to the blocking of the arteries between the heart and lungs.
  • Sometimes it is caused by prolonged sitting during long distance travels and too much lying on the bed.
  • Risky causes are heart attacks and angina. A heart attack cannot be easily remedied at home thus medication and professional treatment must be sought. An angina, on the other hand, could be deadly if the patient panics.

Monday, May 5, 2014

First lady break down in tears.........God is in control


We can summon Diezani, others 1,000 times – Reps

The House of Representatives said on Monday that there was no limit to the number of times the legislature could summon any minister of the Federation to appear before it and answer questions on issues bearing on accountability‎.
It said the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke, “or any minister or official of government” could be summoned to answer questions “over 1,000 times” so long as the need arose.
The House was responding to comments made by President Goodluck Jonathan on Sunday night during a media chat, where he said that Alison-Madueke had appeared before the House for more than 200 times.
Jonathan also argued that certain probes by the House appeared to be politicised.

Boko Haram threatens to sell abducted Chibok schoolgirls

The Boko Haram sect has threatened to “sell” the hundreds of schoolgirls it abducted three weeks ago.
Militant leader Abubakar Shekau sent a video obtained by the AFP news agency, in which he said for the first time that his group had taken the girls.
About 230 girls are still believed to be missing, prompting widespread criticism of the Nigerian government.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Natural Acne Remedies

Very few individuals make it through life without at least a minor breakout of acne. Depending on its severity, acne can contribute to and even cause emotional distress as well as significant damage to the skin. However, effective acne treatments are available and range from conventional treatments to safe, natural healing methods like apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.

Angina (Chest Pain) Remedies

Angina (Chest Pain) Overview
Angina refers to pain in the chest, arm, back, jaw or shoulder and is an indicator of Coronary Heart Disease. The pain is described as tightness, squeezing, burning or pressure behind the breastbone. The sufferer may be nauseous, sweating, tired or short of breath. Standard heart tests (EKG, stress test, X-rays, etc.) will be used to diagnose the problem. Nitroglycerin is used for pain. Lifestyle changes are needed to reduce heart attack risk. Heart surgery may be necessary.
There are four types of angina: