Monday, December 1, 2014

AMAZING! Huge 719-Pound Alligator Killed by HUNTER – See the PHOTO

Some men might be considered crazy for baiting a 719-pound alligator to come at them, but it’s worked out well for Clark Woodsby.
The Lakeland, Florida man is showing off his latest trophy after forcing the gator into submission in a private phosphate pit.
‘We called him in with an electronic call,’ he said. ‘This gator heard it from across the lake, and it came bee-lining right toward me.’
Though a giant the gator will not be a record-beater.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How to Defeat Satan?s Plans

Isaiah 14:1-14:18

Where Satan Came From and What He Did – Isaiah. 14:12-20; Ezek. 28:11-18; Gen. 3; Job 1

Preparation for the Teacher

1. Aim: To lead the people to understand where Satan came from and what he did to cause God to kick him out of heaven along with the rebellious angels.

2. Explanation of the Aim: Satan is the archenemy of God. Since everything God creates is good the Lord created all angels at good servant spirits. God did not create a devil, but he made an angel, who led a rebellion against God among the angels in heaven and was thrown out of heaven. We are to fight the good fight of faith against the devil and all forms of evil with the full armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18)


Mark 8:29-8:29

"What about you he asked "Who do you say I am?" Peter said "You are the Messiah". (Mark 8:29).

Jesus is interested in our knowledge about him. He yearns to hear us declare our understanding of His personality. What will be your answer, when you hear the Lord say to you "who do you say I am?". Would you describe him according to your experiences or according to His Word. What will be your answer to the dying world, when they ask you "Who is Jesus?" A personal revelation from The Spirit on the person of Jesus makes all the difference in your walk of faith.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Amosun presents N210.354bn budget

Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, on Tuesday presented a budget of N210.354bn for the fiscal year 2015 before the Ogun State House of Assembly.
The 2015 budget was N326m above the 2014 approved budget of N210.28bn.
The budget presentation, however, had a dramatic slant as 13 members who were in the opposition parties, Peoples Democratic Party, and Social Democratic Party, shunned the post-budget presentation photograph session, held outside the chamber.

2015 Poll: SERAP Charges APC, PDP to Disclose Spending

The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP), has requested the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) as well as All Progressive Congress (APC), to formally release costs of spending incurred in their efforts geared towards the 2015 General election.
Adetokunbo Mumuni, Executive Director of SERAP, in two separate letters dated 18 November, 2014, and addressed to Alhaji Ahmadu Adamu Mu’azu, PDP National Chairman and Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, the APC National Chairman, requested the parties to publicly present information about the spending on the electoral campaigns and other operations in line with the February 2015 elections.

Thanksgiving at Thanskgiving (Sermon for the Day)

Philippians 1:1-8

Take your Bibles, Please…

Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. (Philippians 1:1-7 ESV).

11 Natural Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure

How to Lower Blood PressureHigh blood pressure-also known as hypertension or “the silent killer”-affects 1 in 3 adult Americans, or roughly 67 million people, and that number only continues to grow. 90-95% of cases are known as primary hypertension, which is hypertension with no underlying medical cause. The small left-over percentage is caused by conditions such as kidney disease. But what is this mysterious silent killer?

Monday, November 17, 2014

28 Simple & Natural Ways to Detox your Body

28 Natural Ways to Detox Your Body- the best resource for cleansing tips.We hear so much about cleansing and may wonder just how beneficial it can be. A proper cleansing or good habits for naturally detoxifying the body can really help you to achieve amazing health benefits. The notion of a simple detox program should be integrated into a healthy lifestyle to give you the best results.
Just as you focus on the foods that you eat and proper exercise, there are many other elements to living your best and healthiest lifestyle. Not only do these things factor into detoxifying your body, but there are other simple and highly effective ways to do so as well. We take a look at the 28 simplest, most natural, and undoubtedly most effective ways of getting the bad toxins out and welcoming in the elements that your body needs.

1. Replace a meal each day with a detoxifying smoothie:
Though you never want to go to extreme measures where your diet is concerned, there are some ideas that can work wonders. When it comes to naturally cleansing the body a great measure can be to replace one meal a day with a detoxifying smoothie. This isn’t extreme and won’t cause any harm, but it can be exceptional for getting rid of the substances that your body doesn’t need.

Detox Waters for Cleansing and Wellness

Detox Waters for Cleansing and Wellness

Detoxing has been popping up left and right these days as people realize what a toxic environment we live in. I discuss “detox” more in depth here, but the gist of it is this: The only thing that can “detoxify” your body, is your body itself. The kidneys, liver, and lungs in particular work to filter any bad stuff through your system, so the best ingredients when it comes to detox drinks are those that help peak the efficiency of those organs.
These delicious detox waters will keep you hydrated and refreshed, while cleansing your body and mind.

1. Beautiful Beet Water
Beets can help thin bile, thereby improving its flow and helping your liver work to the best of its abilities. It also imparts a beautiful light red color to the water that I find lovely and refreshing. Mint contains menthol, which gives your liver a boost by encouraging bile to flow into the duodenum. A little lime works in the same way the menthol does. Combined, these ingredients help your bodies detox system work better than ever.

You will need…
-1/2-1 red beet
-1/4 cup of chopped, fresh, peppermint leaves
-Juice of ½ lime
-1-2 liters of fresh water
beet juice ingredients
1. Rinse and slice the beet, placing it immediately into 1-2 liters of fresh water (depending on how concentrated you want the flavor to be.
2. Chop up the mint and add it into the water along with the lime juice (add in the solid part of the lime after squeezing out the juice.)
3. Infuse and chill for 12-24 hours in the refrigerator before drinking. Serve in a glass with ice. This will last for 4 days in the fridge.
beet water
so refreshing
2. No More Mercury
Who said that apples and oranges can’t go together? Apples and oranges contain pectin, the same ingredient that puts the gel in gelatin. Pectin will bind willingly to heavy metals, allowing them to be easily flushed from the system. This nifty trick gives your liver a helping hand and helps keep it in tip top shape. In oranges, most of the pectin is in the pith (the white part on the peel) or the membrane between the segments, so be sure to leave the peel and membrane on the fruit. For this particular drink, I enjoy eating the fruit in the glass while I drink it.

You will need…
-2-3 oranges, cut into chunks
-3 apples, cut into chunks
-1-2 liters of water
Slice up the apples and oranges into large chunks, leaving the skin/peel on, and place in a pitcher with fresh water. Infuse for 24 hours before serving in glasses with ice.
apple and orange detox water
citrus detox drink
apple water

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

3 Natural Drinks to Help Get Better Sleep

3 Natural Sleep Aid Drinks- for a deeper, more restful sleep.In anticipation of our upcoming list of natural sleep remedies, we’re sharing 3 incredibly simple drinks that you can whip up before bedtime that will help you relax, unwind, and drift off to dreamland (and no, none of them contain alcohol, which will actually disrupt your sleep patterns.)

Cherry juice (and vanilla) drink
I have made cherry juice a regular part of my morning and nighttime routines since the first time I tasted it. To make it even better, it is one the easiest sleep tonics you can concoct!
Why tart cherry juice: Tart cherries are incredibly rich in melatonin, the hormone responsible for

Pineapple, Turmeric, Ginger & Cherry Drink to Help with Gout

Gout Drink Remedy- with pineapple, tart cherry juice, turmeric & ground ginger.Gout is a complex form of arthritis, and although it’s shrouded in mystery and often overlooked by those who don’t suffer it, it can be excruciating and debilitating to those who do. It is caused by a build-up of uric acid in the blood, which is the product of the breakdown of waste substances that usually dissolve in the blood and get processed by the kidneys. For people that suffer gout attacks, their kidneys don’t get rid of the uric acid fast enough and it crystallizes and collects in the joint. Symptoms include sudden pain, tenderness, heat, and redness in joints. In many cases it is at the base of the big toe, and the pain can be so unbearable that even a feather light touch will be too much to bear. Gout is chronic, and there are a good number of people out there who don’t want to be on aspirin for the rest of their lives. By making a blend of these ingredients and tapping into their natural healing properties, you can help relieve/prevent your symptoms, similar to how a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory would.

Make Your Own Electrolyte Energy Drink

electrolyte drink ingredientsGatorade, PowerAde, electrolyte pumped-up sports drinks…they’re good for you, right? You see athletes chugging down bottles of the neon-colored liquid in every ad and real life, surely they do something, and they do. They help you maintain your body’s balance of electrolytes during or after periods of heavier exercise. But when you look closer, you’re really just paying an outrageous price for glorified, brightly colored, sugar water. An overload of processed and refined sweetener (in the case of sports drinks, high-fructose corn syrup) is never a good thing. And while artificial flavors and colors don’t

Detox Waters for Cleansing and Wellness

These delicious detox waters will keep you hydrated and refreshed, while cleansing your body and mind.Detoxing has been popping up left and right these days as people realize what a toxic environment we live in. I discuss “detox” more in depth here, but the gist of it is this: The only thing that can “detoxify” your body, is your body itself. The kidneys, liver, and lungs in particular work to filter any bad stuff through your system, so the best ingredients when it comes to detox drinks are those that help peak the efficiency of those organs.

16 Home Remedies to Relieve Constipation

constipation“Potty problems” are something we avoid in our everyday conversations. While you may be more than willing to share how much your sore throat is torturing you, rarely do you go into the office and announce that you haven’t pooped in five days. However, constipation is not something to be embarrassed about, and if you’ve had it (and we all have) than you understand that it is no laughing matter-in fact it can be downright debilitating. Before running to the drugstore for a quick-fix laxative (which often worsen the problem) try some simple home remedies to relieve your discomfort, and keep it from coming back.

18 Natural Sleep Aids to Get Better Sleep

Sleep RemediesIf there is one condition that has plagued me every day-or rather, every night-for years on end, it’s sleep. I was prescribed sleeping medication long-term (not a good idea) and suffered greatly for it. If I was having trouble sleeping before, it was now impossible to achieve, unless I took my medication. The truth is, we lose touch with sleep more and more every day. Technology, stress, energy drinks, stress, readily prescribed medications, and did I mention stress? All of those things contribute to sleeplessness, and I can almost guarantee everyone who reads this list will struggle with at least one of the above.

13 Natural Remedies for Depression

depressionI’ve been on depression medication since I was 9 years old, well technically it was prescribed for anxiety in the beginning, but soon I was treated for both. In 3rd grade I was able to say, rather clumsily, “I am taking chill pills because there is an imbalance of serotonin in my brain.” Depression is like a worn-out unwanted companion that constantly clings to me, a burden, yes, but very familiar. Over the years I have realized that there are a lot of things that I can do that don’t require prescription medications to help keep my mood fluctuations under control. They take time and effort (there is no quick and easy fix!), but its well worth it in my mind. I still have not weaned myself off of my medications entirely, but it is a goal that I someday hope to achieve and one that I constantly strive for.

18 Helpful Remedies to Relieve Headache Pain & Tension

headacheHeadaches often get brushed aside as nothing more than a common complaint, a quit-your-whining-and-start-working type of thing…if only. While many people suffer them at one point or another, rarity is not the best way to judge just how nasty something can be. The pain of a headache can make day-to-day life a miserable challenge, and forces us to head straight for the aspirin. This is a sticky situation, because ultimately that will only perpetuate the problem.
When you take over-the-counter pain killers all you’re doing is smothering your symptoms and ignoring the real issue of what triggers the headache. Natural remedies for headaches may take a bit more thought than simply popping a pill, but don’t brush them off. They won’t wreak havoc on your body like other over-the-counter or prescription pain-killers do, and you’re less likely to become so dependent on them that you need them for every little ache.

15 Natural Remedies for Heartburn & Severe Acid Reflux

heartburnHeartburn is something that most adults will experience during their lifetime. It is characterized by an uncomfortable burning sensation right behind the breastbone that often times creeps up the throat, and is a symptom more so than a disease. It is caused by acid reflux, which occurs when the ring of muscle that allows food into your stomach (the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES) relaxes when it shouldn’t. The result is acid from your stomach goes back up your esophagus, which then causes the sensation of heartburn. Think about it…its acid burning your throat…ouch! It’s actually possible to have reflux without heartburn, but it is not possible to have heartburn without reflux. While over-the-counter and prescription medications are available, if you suffer only from occasional heartburn, lifestyle changes and heartburn home remedies may be the route you want to take.

8 Home Remedies for Stomach Aches & Cramps

stomach acheStomach aches, also broadly called “abdominal pain,” are tricky things to find remedies for unless you know the cause. Ranging from indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome to gastritis and GERD, an aching tummy can stem from many things. Assuming you are dealing with an uncomplicated stomach ache, these remedies can help bring relief from the pain and discomfort that’s making you miserable.
1. Enjoy a Cup of Chamomile Tea
Chamomile can help ease the pain of a stomach ache by working as an anti-inflammatory (for example the lining of the stomach can become inflamed as a result common gastritis, caused by bacteria) and by relaxing the smooth muscle of the upper digestive track. When it relaxes that muscle, the contractions that are pushing food through your system ease up a bit and lessen the pain of cramping

5 Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies (Beyond Local Honey)

allergiesRunny nose, itchy eyes, and the infuriating sensation of not being able to sneeze? Pollen count is on the rise as the weather warms up which means one thing-allergies. When it comes to home remedies for allergies you hear a lot about local raw honey preventing them. It is supposed to work because the gradual intake of local pollen will help build up your immunity before the symptoms start, thereby providing relief when the season actually hits. And while it does work for some people, let’s not forget that there are plenty of remedies you can try at home to help relieve the common symptoms of seasonal allergies. As a Minnesotan I intend to soak up every last bit of warm weather, especially after our brutal winter, and I’ll be utilizing a number of remedies to help fight any allergies dragging me down.

14 Natural Home Remedies for UTI Pain & Discomfort

So what evil forces are at work here when you are suffering like that? Your urinary system is made up of your urethra, which carries urine out of the bladder when you pee, your bladder, which holds your urine, your ureters, which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, and your kidneys, which filter waste from the blood to produce urine. A UTI happens when bacteria makes its way up the urethra. This can happen in any number of ways… you hold in urine instead of going to the bathroom, having a catheter, and for

Medicinal herbs for diseases are beneficial and effective in preventing various diseases

crop of lavender medicinal herb

Anxiety herbs are good medicinal remedies for fear, trauma, and post-traumatic stress

                                                    Anxiety herbs are good for those who suffer from mild to severe anxiety. Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, apprehension, depression and worrying. Therefore treating anxiety with medicinal herbs can be quite beneficial and is very important to those who suffer from this ailment.
Medicinal herbs are very beneficial to combat these related ailments and there are many testimonies from people who have been healed through these natural remedies.
Anxiety can be generalized as anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and phobias among others. These disorders affect how we feel and behave.
Ed Lathrop says that many people suffer from anxiety in varying degrees. There are large numbers of people who feel normal a fair percentage of the time, but on occasion, they experience attacks of anxiety or panic attacks.
During these attacks, their lives change in many ways, and for some the change is drastic. They cannot function as they normally do and they experience physical sensations that range from uncomfortable to extremely frightening.

Medicinal treatment of high and low blood pressure with blood pressure herbs

Blood pressure herbs are considered to be most effective in treating high blood pressure (hypertension) or low blood pressure (hypotension).

Photos: Genevieve Nnaji, Oluchi Orlandi, Chaliya Shagaya, Tokini Peterside, Steps Out For The Inaugural LPM Africa Fashion Experience

It was an evening of Fashion, Style, Champagne and retail therapy as Le Petite Marche in conjunction presented the first edition of the LPM Africa experience.
See first photos.


Friday, August 29, 2014

Adamawa bye-election: Six aspirants set to boycott primaries, sue PDP over waiver for Ribadu

Ahead of the September 6 primaries of the Peoples Democratic Party in Adamawa State, there are indications that six governorship aspirants have resolved to sue the party if it finally gives waiver to Malam Nuhu Ribadu to run in the primaries.

The angry aspirants claimed that Ribadu is being favoured by some forces in the presidency and that he may not only be granted waiver but favoured to pick the party’s ticket for the October 11 governorship election.

Those at the meeting, according sources, were Dr. Umar Ardo, Dr. Aliyu Idi Hong, Senator Abubakar Girei, Alhaji Awwal Tukur and Alhaji Ahmed Gulak.

One of the aspirants told DailyTrust that they consider it unfair on the side of those of them who have worked for the party for several years would be shut out while a new member would be given consideration.

A source told the paper that the aggrieved aspirants were planning to stop Ribadu from getting a clearance from his local government after his ward had cleared him.

“If we cannot stop them from killing the party through persuasion, we can at least take the necessary legal action,” he stated.

Dr. Ardo, who confirmed the development expressed his anger, saying that somebody who worked against the interest of the party in its bid to remove Murtala Nyako would now be the beneficiary of the struggle.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Five Ways to Improve Your Happiness When You’re Stuck In a Rut

5 Ways to improve your mood when you're stuck in a rut

Everyone wants to be happy – especially when they’re not. The good news is that no matter how “stuck” you feel,  you can make small changes to immediately improve your happiness and boost your mood. But oftentimes, when we’re feeling stuck we don’t feel like taking action to feel better – that’s why we call it being stuck! But there are small things you can do to help yourself out of it. Here are five evidence-based ways that you can improve your happiness quotient no matter how you’re feeling.

Obama Warns Americans About Boko Haram's Threats

Following the unabated terror attacks perpetrated by the Boko Haram insurgents across Nigeria and neighbouring borders, the United States of America president, Barack Obama, has warned Americans and the whole world on the threat posed by the Islamic militant group.

Speaking in Washington, DC on Sunday, 29 June, 2014, President Obama said that the Boko Haram and other terrorist groups were putting the United States and the entire world under a very serious threat.
The Kenyan-born, US president added that the United States had been seriously threatened by these various terrorist organizations for his entire time in office and even before the September 11, 2001, attacks which involved the late leader of the al-qaeda, Mr Osama bin Laden.
* President Barack Obama
* President Barack Obama

Red Carpet photos from 2014 BET Awards + Full List of Winners

The 2014 BET Awards held last night June 29th at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. Pictured above are; Tiwa Savage, Keke Palmer and Ashanti. Continue to see more red carpet photos and full list of winner...

Lagos Pastor Confesses: I Belong To The Ogboni Confraternity

‘Being Ogboni leader has made me a good disciple of Jesus Christ,’ he claims.
For many Christians, Ogboni soci­ety is not only regarded as a secret cult but also treated as an abomi­nation that must not be identified with. A senior member of the Christen­dom however feels otherwise and in fact made a shocking revelation that will leave many gasping for breath.

For over four decades, 65-year-old Pas­tor Solomon Oladimeji has been a shep­herd in the vineyard. Apart from being the founder of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Orisun-Ayo, with branches at Alapere, Ketu, and Odogunyan in Ikorodu area of Lagos, Prophet Oladimeji reveals that he is also a top member of the Ogboni fraternity. He be­longs to Saala Ogboni Fellowship of Nigeria (SOFN) – within the fraternity – where he occupies the position of Oluwo and the third in command to the overall head of the fraternity.

Monday, June 16, 2014

30 Most Popular Herbs for Natural Medicine

30 Most Popular Herbs for Natural Medicine
We tend to look to God as a source of all healing. It is said that He has provided all that we will ever need: 

“the fruit of it shall be for eating and leaf of it for healing…” (Ezekiel 47:12)
Herbs are a wondrous thing. They not only assist in flavoring dishes and filling the air with delightful aromas, but they also hold medicinal properties that promote healing. Those of you who have herbal gardens of your own, no doubt have a few of these herbal friends already planted. Many of the plants listed below are also listed in myTop 10 Medicinal Herbs that should be in every garden. However, it seems that there are a few more worth mentioning.
Our Herbal Friends



Many people don't trust drugs for high blood pressure, especially in our rural community; they prefer natural way of dealing with it. Luckily for them, several herbs are very effective to control this common condition. Now discover how you can use herbs for high blood pressure to treat hypertension and to improve your health.
Herbs have always been used successfully to treat many conditions. And high blood pressure treatment is not an exception. Of course, herbs don’t give a dramatic effect like drugs, but their effect is more long term. Also herbs are safer and don’t produce dangerous side effects.
Below are numerous herbs for treatment of hypertension:



Wednesday, May 21, 2014

28 Simple & Natural Ways to Detox your Body

28 Natural Ways to Detox Your Body- the best resource for cleansing tips.We hear so much about cleansing and may wonder just how beneficial it can be. A proper cleansing or good habits for naturally detoxifying the body can really help you to achieve amazing health benefits. The notion of a simple detox program should be integrated into a healthy lifestyle to give you the best results.
Just as you focus on the foods that you eat and proper exercise, there are many other elements to living your best and healthiest lifestyle. Not only do these things factor into detoxifying your body, but there are other simple and highly effective ways to do so as well. We take a look at the 28 simplest, most natural, and undoubtedly most effective ways of getting the bad toxins out and welcoming in the elements that your body needs.

1. Replace a meal each day with a detoxifying smoothie:
Though you never want to go to extreme measures where your diet is concerned, there are some ideas that can work wonders. When it comes to naturally cleansing the body a great measure can be to replace one meal a day with a detoxifying smoothie. This isn’t extreme and won’t cause any harm, but it can be exceptional for getting rid of the substances that your body doesn’t need.

The 10 Best Herbs for Kidney Cleansing

Herbs can be good for your kidneysBean-shaped and located along the posterior side of the abdomen, the kidneys have the heavy responsibility of removing waste and toxins from the bloodstream. These vital organs work with other organs to regulate blood pressure, increase red blood cell production, and synthesize vitamin D. A healthy diet, exercise, and staying hydrated are essential for supporting your kidneys. For a little extra help, consider the following kidney cleansing herbs.

1. Chanca Piedra

Chanca piedra, or “stone breaker,” is a favorite in South America for supporting the kidneys and clinical trials have confirmed the plant’s effectiveness. [1] [2] It’s common in the region and its widespread use has earned it a positive reputation in Ayurvedic medicine as a helpful herb for kidney, bladder, and liver health.

17 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper
Many societies, especially those of the Americas and China, have a history of using cayenne pepper therapeutically. A powerful compound with many uses, cayenne pepper is currently gaining buzz for cleansing and detoxifying regimes such as the Master Cleanse, which uses the spice to stimulate circulation and neutralize acidity.
Cayenne pepper has been used for a variety of ailments including heartburn, delirium, tremors, gout,

Monday, May 19, 2014

14 Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain

We take the freedom of movement for granted, until it becomes limited. The cause of this for many people comes in the form of arthritis, or the inflammation of one or more of your joints. There are two main kinds, osteo and rheumatoid, both of which affect the joint in different ways. Osteo arthritis is when the cartilage between bones wears down, until bone grates on bone. Rheumatoid is little less straightforward, being caused by anautoimmune disorder that causes inflammation of the synovial membrane (a soft tissue that protects joints in the body) and that can lead to bone loss. Whichever you experience, there are naturalremedies for arthritis to manage the pain and ease the symptoms.

1. Turmeric & Ginger Tea
Turmeric and ginger are both anti-inflammatorys, and will help with oseto and rheumatoid arthritis. Turmeric in particular has gotten a lot of attention lately. Its active ingredient is something called curcumin, which is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, it lowers the levels of 2 enzymes responsible for causing inflammation (which is what we’re often fighting with arthritis.) You can take these in a capsule form or make a nice spicy tea to enjoy daily.
You will need…
-2 cups of water
-1/2 teaspoon ground ginger-1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric-Honey to taste
Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, and had ½ teaspoon each ground ginger and ground turmeric. Reduce to a simmer and let it be for 10-15 minutes. Strain, add honey to taste, and enjoy twice daily. This yields 2 servings.
turmeric for arthritis

15 Natural Remedies for Heartburn & Severe Acid Reflux

Heartburn is something that most adults will experience during their lifetime. It is characterized by an uncomfortable burning sensation right behind the breastbone that often times creeps up the throat, and is a symptom more so than a disease. It is caused by acid reflux, which occurs when the ring of muscle that allows food into your stomach (the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES) relaxes when it shouldn’t. The result is acid from your stomach goes back up your esophagus, which then causes the sensation of heartburn. Think about it…its acid burning your throat…ouch! It’s actually possible to have reflux without heartburn, but it is not possible to have heartburn without reflux. While over-the-counter and prescription medications are available, if you suffer only from occasional heartburn, lifestyle changes and heartburn home remedies may be the route you want to take.


Asthma is a serious disease that affects breathing. It is a disease of thechest that affects respiration. When a person has asthma, the breathing pipe inside the chest will be contracting and relating. This will give pain and discomfort to breathing. Asthma is a disease that suddenly makes the sufferer to fight for breath wheezing and coughing.
1. Mix the white fluid of snail with honey to form a syrup. One unit of white fluid from snail with five units of pure undiluted honey. Stir well and pour into a bigger bottle.