Friday, February 27, 2015

Pastor Faith Oyedepo: Friday February 27, 2015 Daily Devotional - Choosing A Life Partner “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” - Amos 3:3

Pastor Faith Oyedepo: Friday February 27, 2015 Daily Devotional - Choosing A Life Partner

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” - Amos 3:3

From my studies, I have discovered that the basis upon which people make their choices of a life partner is multi-dimensional. It is based on the physical, emotional or intellectual, and spiritual. Once they sense a bond in any of these realms, they often times conclude that such a person would make a good companion.

While they are not totally wrong, choosing a life partner should not be based on just one of the above, but on the three dimensions. As important as the physical is, your choice should not be based on that alone, but should be most importantly spiritual, as well as intellectual.

It’s not wrong to admire someone’s beauty, complexion, appearance, oratory ability, or academic qualification, but a marriage built on these is soon to end in disaster because these on their own cannot build a lasting and peaceful family life. More so, likes and dislikes change over time. What seems perfect for you today, might become childish and old fashioned tomorrow. So, why not hang on to something that would last a lifetime.

The most important bond to look out for is therefore your spiritual bond. Is this person a born-again Christian? Who is God to him or her or what does he or she feel about God? What relationship does this person have outside of the church? The spiritual aspect of whoever you intend to get involved with is what will determine how much the marriage will flourish. You must not be unequally yoked!
Thus as you chose a life partner, be spiritual about it and don’t forget to employ the help of the Holy Spirit. He is your best guide to the truth. You will not miss your place in your marital destiny.

Remain Blessed!

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