Friday, May 2, 2014

Health Benefits of Honey

HoneyHoney contains many vitamins(B1,B2,C,B6,B5,B3)and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium chlorine and sulphur.So using honey in our daily diet is good for our health.

Like sugar,Honey also contains glucose and fructose.Both are considered as energy boosters.But we can consume honey and reduce the usage of white sugar.

Boko Haram Has More Sense Than This Jonathan’s Leadership ––Iyabo Obasanjo's New Letter

Iyabo Obasanjo, daughter of President Olusegun Obasanjo has written another open letter to the leadership of the Boko Haram sect. Although she accused those in President Goodluck Jonathan’s inner circle of hindering the resolution of the crisis posed by the Boko Haram insurgency, she faulted the insurgents for betraying the true essence of revolutionaries in directing their venom against the lower class.

"I am moved to write about the current state of affairs in Nigeria. My first inclination was to write to the President but since all letters to him seem to elicit only open derision and even more stupidity from his inner circle, I have decided to address my letter to a group also currently causing Nigerians a lot of pain and agony that may actually have more sense than the country’s leadership."

Best Fruits for Healthy Eyes

Eyes are amazing as it helps us to see the outside world.Eating fruits and vegetables keeps our eyes healthy.Naturally, fruits and vegetables are packed with many vitamins and minerals which is required for our over all good health.

Eating right amount of fruits and vegetables in our daily diet reduces the risk of night blindness,age related macular degenerationcataracts and other eye diseases.

Abuja blast: Car bomb rocks Nigerian capital

An car bomb attack has killed at least 19 people in the Nigerian capital Abuja, officials say.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Obasanjo Damns Jonathan & PDP; Rejects their Moves In Abuja

President Goodluck Jonathan made sure his men bring ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo to the wedding of his foster daughter which took place in Abuja on Saturday. The main agenda is politics, not the wedding.

But Obasanjo, as usual, arrived Abuja prepared. And when the time came, he gave it to them. The moves by the Presidency and the PDP to seek Obasanjo's support for the secret plot to make Jonathan rule Nigeria for a total of about 10years, reached a dead end in Abuja over the weekend.

11 Surprising Health Benefits of Tomatoes

TomatoesTomato is an attractive low calorie, fat-free non-starchy vegetable.It contains fiber, folate,potassium,thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus,copper,Vitamin A,C and E.

1.Tomatoes, naturally low in sodium, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories confers protection against high blood pressure, high cholesterol,osteoporosis, strokes,  heart disease,cardiovascular disease,cognitive dysfunction and age-related macular degeneration.

2.Regular consumption of tomatoes improves health and helps in disease risk reduction.

3.The researchers found that tomatoes are the biggest source of dietary lycopene; a powerful antioxidant that, unlike nutrients in most fresh fruits and vegetables, has even greater bioavailability after cooking and processing. Tomatoes also contain other protective mechanisms, such as antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory functions. 

4.Red riped tomatoes contain more lycopene ,an antioxidant which gives color to tomatoes and are highly effective in scavenging cancer causing free radicals.Regular intake of tomatoes reduces the risk of certain type of cancers like prostate,breast and stomach cancer.

7Amazing Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potato is an excellent root vegetable fully packed with antioxidants like Vitamin C,beta-carotene and Vitamin E.It is also a good source of dietary fiber,potassium,manganese and Vitamin B6.

1. Sweet Potatoes and Vitamin C

Vitamin C,a powerful antioxidant helps to boost immunity, vital for growth and repair of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds,improves cardiovascular health,avoids degenerative diseases,keeps teeth and gums healthy. Flavonoids in Vitamin C protects eyes from cataract and macular degeneration.

2.Beta carotene rich in Sweet Potatoes are good for eye health,improves vision,aids in preventing night blindness,dry eyes and also strengthens retina.

3.Sweet Potatoes and Vitamin E

Health benefits of Avocados

Avocado Fruit  480x360 jpgAvocados,an healthy fruit for heart,brain and for over all health.

Avocados contains Omega-3 fatty acids,fiber, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A,E,C,K, folate, protein, riboflavin, niacin and B6.

1.Avocado contains high amount of mono-saturated fat which has a positive impact in the body.It  lowers the triglycerides in the blood and reduces the LDL cholesterol and there by it helps to prevent stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and heart diseases.It also helps to increase the good cholesterol(HDL cholesterol).
2. The high potassium content  in Avocados helps to reduce depression,regulates the blood pressure and aids to prevent circulatory diseases.

3.Avacado, rich in Vitamin E, is packed with vitamins and minerals which helps to keep the skin healthy,fresh and wrinkle free.

4.Avocados  is good for heart health.Oleic acid,being a powerful antioxidant,helps to protect against free radicals. The oleic acid in avocados  prevents breast cancer, reduces the cholesterol levels and keeps your heart healthy.The vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, and glutathione in avocado are also great for your heart.

Breaking: Bomb Blast in Abuja this Morning Kills Many People

There has just been a bomb explosion this morning under Nyanya bridge bus stop Abuja and many people have been confirmed dead!
According to eyewitnesses, the bomb blast occurred at 6:45am at Nyanya Elrufai Park. The source of the explosion was a car bomb. Sound of the explosion at Nyanya (Under Bridge) was heard from far away Abacha Road in Mararaba.
Majority of the people killed in the Nyanya bus stop explosion were actually coming to the city centre to tend to their various jobs. NEMA ambulances were seen carrying corpses.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Health Benefits of Onion


1.Onions are very effective in treating acne.onion juice mixed with honey or turmeric can be applied to acne.

2.Onion is used for treating digestion problems including loss of appetite, upset stomach, and gallbladder
disorders; for treating heart and blood vessel problems including chest pain and high blood pressure; and for
preventing “hardening of the arteries”  . It is also used for treating sore mouth and throat, whooping cough,
bronchitis, asthma, dehydration, intestinal gas,parasitic worms, and diabetes. Some people use it as a
diuretic to increase urine output.

Onion is applied directly to the skin for insect bites,wounds, light burns, boils, warts, and bruises.